Monday, September 18, 2006

Islam, the Pope, and hypocrisy

So Pope Benedict said something inflammatory about Islam. What's funny is that his religion is no less violent than the religion that he criticized. Remember the Crusades? Well, the six Crusades to be exact. Muslims were slaughtered by the thousands in the name of Jesus Christ. So for the Pope to criticize Islam for being violent is like Pinochet accusing Stalin of being a criminal.

The problem is that these two "religions" are largely responsible for many of the wars that have been fought. It was once fashionable to invoke "God" in order to destroy one's enemies. Wait a minute, it's still fashionable. If there is a God out there, he must be a bloodthirsty bastard or he must be seriously confused about what the hell his humans are doing to themselves in his name. Either way, he's really not doing anything to stop the killing, so fuck him.

What we need to do is parade all of the Imams, Cardinals, and preachers of the world and ask them kindly to join their creator in never-never land, then push them all over a cliff. I think the world would be much better off.

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